shaft turning

What is shaft turning : It's a special way to round shape a metal. That would be like taking a piece of concretizing and rolling it in that form. Basically, this is just like what happens in metàl music! A lathe puts the metal in. When a roundpiece of metal is created they turn that very fast in the machine and atthe same time there is tool to cut it to get its correct silhoutte.

Steel Steel is the most widely used and popular metal material when it comes to shaft turning due mainly to its phenomenal strength properties. But we can also take advantage of aluminum, a lightweight metal used in the spreadable kitchen packaging or brass that has an ornamental golden color. These metals have unique properties that can play a key role in your next project.

    How to Achieve Precision and Accuracy in Shaft Turning

    However, there are a few key things that need to happen in order for lifter-bore shaft turning to go smoothly and look good. To start, the metal will have to be gripped within and lathe. This is very important! This allows the metal to slip while it is being worked. We use something called a chuck to hold the metal in place - it's like a giant clamp for clamping down on your work piece.

    So secondly, you need to make sure that your cutting tool is properly aligned. It should not press to hard into the metal. We are not looking to machine the metal in a way that flattens it or even causes ridges if too much pressure is exerted by our tool.

    Why choose jiyan shaft turning?

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